We are Our Own Experience.

The other day, I was at the beach. There was a storm blowing in from the North. Where I was there was sun still but if I looked north, it was very dark. The wind was whipping my hair and filling my jacket with air. I was alone. But there were 7 kite surfers in the water also alone. They were looking like they were having the time of their lives. Hanging on to their kite pointing their surfboards out toward the ocean, going out quite a ways super fast with the wind. Then in a moments notice, shifting direction to come back to the shore just as fast. I could watch them for hours. Part of me wanted to get out there and do it too! But I am only a wake (behind the boat) surfer and I have not done it in quite some time. I was not about to venture out there - yet!

Just being in the elements with the changing weather, high winds blowing and the sound of surf roaring was an adventure in and of itself. I love the weather. There I was sitting on the rock watching. Taking in the wind. The weather blowing in. In just short time, the sun was gone and it dropped a few degrees as the storm approached. I bundled up even more.

I realized that I am creating my own experience sitting on this rock..

The kite surfer is creating his own experience out there.

But we were on the same beach - doing our thing.

I have also had a client (now retired) who was a mother of an adult son and adult daughter. Both raised by the same mother. One thought she was an awesome mother and the other, not so much! How does that happen? How do we experience the same thing and have such different views and perspectives.

So how are we our own experience?

  • By our choice of thoughts

  • By our choice of actions

  • By the choice of “records” we continue to play in our life both externally and internally.

So, if you are your own experience and I am my own experience - what do want to create? Let’s Talk!

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


Boundaries Baby!


Love, with Lobsters.