Boundaries Baby!

What if you could have the life of dreams all you had to do was create the boundaries to make it so?


Let’s start with work: Let’s pretend you have a magic wand and you can make your work just like you want it to be. What would you have that wand do?

  • Reduce your work hours?

  • Increase your pay?

  • Have a more flexible schedule?

  • What would YOUR day look like?

How about as a parent? Again, you get a magic wand. What would you design?

  • Would you split the parenting duties?

  • Would you take mornings and him/her take the evening?

  • Would you have a chef?

  • Would you have someone to clean the house?

  • Would you do more? Or less as a parent?

How about as a partner? Again, here is that magic wand at your service…. what will you do with it?

  • Would you make him/her more fun?

  • More sex?

  • More vacations?

  • More together time? More separate time?

Here’s the deal, how ever you answered the questions above, are all possible when WE START TO CREATE OUR OWN BOUNDARIES and FOLLOW THEM! This is how we design a life we love. It does not happen overnight. But this is the work that Sherie and I do with you. It starts with a plan, a vision. Then we look at ‘the how.’ And in that how there are often a number of boundaries that are relatively simple to implement but we get stuck in our own weeds and think we can’t have X until Y happens… and truth is that is ALL MADE UP! It is a story we are telling ourselves and that story has us stuck and in a limiting belief mindset.

The crazy thing about this is if we would do this exercise of designing our extraordinary life - we change our world and we change THE world. We’d have workplaces that work. We’d have kids growing up in happier homes. We’d have more partnerships that work for both parties. Therefore this work is the work of a Change Maker! If you want to learn more about this work Sherie and I do, check out Change Maker Nation.

“Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They’re compassionate because their boundaries keep them out of resentment.”– Brene Brown

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


Nope, it only takes one.


We are Our Own Experience.