The Power of Intention
INTENTIONS MATTER: When someone goes about making a meal with love and compassion, somehow, some way, that meal tastes better than if they go about making that meal with a resentful attitude. It is the same with all we do - how we go about our goals matters, it helps to create a different outcome.
“We don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.” — Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Our intention wheels help to create clarity in how we go about life + work. This powerful process helps us realize that we are fully responsible for the impact we have in the world. This increases self-responsibility, confidence, clarity, happiness and success on every level and in every area of our life.
Our first Intention wheel was created by Lorin for a 12-person women's workshop in Upstate NY in 2002. Six of those women are still using it today. This is a powerful tool!
This tool is available not only for our clients but we also allow other coaches to become certified in this tool in order to use it with their clients.
Our Intention Wheel™ is at the core of all of the work we do at Lorin Beller & Co. It takes a holistic approach to your life and work. It helps you (and us) understand your year-long journey - one that YOU create. It also helps us to guide you when you’re stuck. This unique tool provides clarity, it provides focus, it provides inspiration. And hundreds of people use the wheel every year. We have dozens that have been using it for 20+ years! It’s an honor to walk with people on this journey.
Every person that creates an Intention Wheel™ with us receives an intention bracelet. This serves as a structure to keep you focused on your annual intention every day.
Coach. Speaker. Author. Inspirer.
I love the Mary Oliver quote: “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Generally women, leaders, entrepreneurs all find me because they want something… more. Such as satisfaction at work. Or in life. Or maybe it is wanting to make their work place a great place to work for their team. Or to launch a business,. change careers, etc. But they know there is more for them, they might even feel stuck and they want support on the journey. Does this sound like you? I love going on this journey with you. It’s an honor. Want to see if we are a good fit?
One of my favorite things is speaking. I have had the honor of speaking with such organizations as: National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) Chapters all over the country, Canada’s Women in Business, Sales and Marketing Executives, Young Entrepreneurs Organization Chapters (YEO), Entrepreneurs Organization Chapters (EO) and TEDx over the years. Looking to inspire your members or your team either in person or via zoom?
Writing + reading are for sure a passion of mine. I have written a number of books which can be found by using the link below. All of which can be purchased on Amazon easily just by searching Lorin Beller within Amazon… or better yet, please stop in your local bookstore and give that local entrepreneur the business. I am also in the midst of another! Stay tuned by joining our mailing list!
Inspirer + Guide.
I believe in humans. I believe that love wins. I believe that we are leaders of our lives. I believe that in conflict we each have our part. I believe that communication makes all the difference. I believe in the power of intention. I believe we can change our world. I believe we are each responsible for our part in changing the world and having grand impact. I believe in the power of mindfulness. I believe that being heart focused helps us make better choices. I believe that less is more most of the time except when it comes to positive acknowledgments and love. I believe it’s really about the little things. I believe that our impact matters. You matter. And my mission is to inspire You to be Your Greatest self. For more about what i’m thinking about check out my blog.
About Lorin
Lorin Beller has been providing coaching, training, writing books and speaking to guide and empower entrepreneurial minded people since 2001. Prior to that, Lorin had a successful entrepreneurial experience of her own. In addition to hands on entrepreneurial experience, Lorin is certified as a coach with CTI. But one of her greatest long term teachers was Wayne Dyer because her mom gave her one of his tape series (Real Magic) when she was teenager. Lorin always enjoys a deep more meaningful conversation. Lorin believes that we get to design our life. She was never a 9-5 girl, she did work in that environment and it fueled her entrepreneurial spirit even more. Life is meant to be lived every day not just on weekends. Lorin has designed a life and work that she loves and that enables her and her daughter to live in SoCal. She knows that if she can design and create a life that works for her, YOU CAN T00! She has served thousands of clients over the years and helped them to realize their ideal lives in all aspects of it. Generally, our journey begins because someone is feeling stuck or unclear in work/business. Lorin loves working with leaders as well as their teams. One of our most powerful tools Lorin has developed is the Intention Wheel™ which guides our journey together.
As a Single Mom of a savvy 17 year old, Lorin has always designed her life around her daughter’s schedule and needs. Living in SoCal, Lorin can be found walking early mornings with the birds, eucalyptus trees and her feisty Tibetan Terrier listening to good book or chatting with family and friends. Or if she is on the east coast, you’ll most likely find her at her Adirondack lake house enjoying the delight of the four seasons with family + friends.
The Awesome Team.
Gail Benmosche
Gail + I have been working (and playing) together for over 25 years. She cleans up the details around me. Her focus is in billing and all that goes with it and as she is able, takes on other projects. You’ll see her at the retreats too!
Sherie Hodds
I have had the honor of working with Sherie since 2018. Sherie is also CTI certified. She is a gem of a partner coach. And she’s one of those humans you love right away. The clients that work with her transform in ways they never would have imagined possible. She also co-leads all of the Change Maker Impact community events. She works with individuals and teams too!
Companies/Teams that we work with and believe in: