What they are sayin’ about us…
“I chose to invest in myself because I needed a truth-teller in my life—someone who would call me on my BS but also cheer me on. That built-in accountability has been invaluable. I’m coming off the most humbling year of my life, one that has launched me into massive personal and professional growth. It was time to have Lorin on my round table, and I couldn’t be more grateful!"
— Caitlyn Bean, Horse Trainer, Entrepreneur and Arbonne Consultant
“I attended Lorin’s 22nd annual intention wheel in-person event December ‘24… Learning about this intention mindset has made me realize I can still set high goals but not feel like a failure if I don’t fully achieve the goal. I am very excited to incorporate this into my life and start the year off on a successful note!”
- Zen, Owner of Simply Zen Organizing
“I’ve been working with Lorin Beller for a decade. She has been my trusty guide during difficult transitions, my thinking partner in periods of business growth and development, and my champion and dear friend always. Her retreats are first class where like minded women come together in mind, body and spirit. I cannot recommend Lorin highly enough!”
Gretchen Meyer, Owner, Gretchen Meyer Financial
“I know for certain that without Lorin’s guidance and support I wouldn’t be living this awesome life.
Her encouragement to start my own business was the best advice ever. It has allowed me the time and flexibility to have a career and also spend time in all the other aspects of my intentional life!”
- Denise Finn, Owner of LaPaix Consulting
“It’s January 26th and I realized that I’ve been getting to yoga twice or more each week as I intended to with this year’s Goals and Intentions - but I have only been to the gym twice, and that’s not enough. My goal is to go at least twice a week. I want to be strong and fit, and yoga doesn’t quite give me the strength that I really need to continue to do my job as a photographer and lift heavy gear on a regular basis. So I woke up thinking, How can I fit going to the gym twice part of my weekly routine? The way I got into a routine at the yoga studio was to pick two classes at the same time each week - with my favorite teacher - and sign up in advance, then I didn’t have to think about it - it’s built into my week.
So how could I do that at the gym? The excuse came up in my mind, “I have such an erratic schedule, it’s hard to commit to specific days and times in the week.” Hmmm - I really want to keep this commitment, so how can find a routine?
I opened my email this morning and there was an message from UREC, the campus gym at the university where I work - which is five floors of state of the art gorgeousness with and indoor and outdoor pool and floor to ceiling windows everywhere - and they had a list of special classes coming up. And one of them was SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) Pilates or Yoga on Monday and Wednesday afternoons! I signed right up! Now it is just part of my weekly routine.
I think that’s the power of setting the intentions and having the coaching that supports the actionable items - the homework - of checking off the goals that support the intention. The universe shows up because you’re looking for it. The seeds are planted with setting the goals and intentions - and the coaching is the cultivation of the garden…constantly looking for weeds, pulling them out, and looking for seedlings and nurturing them. That’s what gardening is - and that’s how the coaching supports the intentions: you can see the seedlings pop up more easily, and you’re ready to give them what they need to grow, in order to turn into abundant plants that feed you in return.
So there you have it.”
- Amy Hart, Owner of Amy Hart Studios
“I know for certain that without Lorin’s guidance and support I wouldn’t be living this awesome life.
Her encouragement to start my own business was the best advice ever. It has allowed me the time and flexibility to have a career and also spend time in all the other aspects of my intentional life!”
- Denise Finn, Owner of LaPaix Consulting
“I have been working with Lorin since 2014 when, through our work, I took clear, bold actions to strike out on my own. Today our work is about refining each aspect of my life so that I can live with real purpose, fulfillment, and joy! So much is possible, and I thank Lorin for helping me to see it and live it EVERY day!”
- Tricia Seitz, Owner of Seitz Consulting
We work with many financial advisor teams and they each hire us for different reasons.
To be better at bringing in new business.
To work with teams to have more efficient and productive processes
To have better communication.
To assist the team in having a team member retire, succession planning both for the person retiring and for the team receiving the clients. The entire succession planning process.
Practice Management
To assist teams to grow their team.
To assist teams to have a more conscious culture so that they work better together and love the team they work with.
To be more effective leaders.
To help solo practitioners in merging with a team.
"When I started to consider and look for a coach, I generally wanted to be more effective, confident and grounded in my overall life. To do that, I wanted someone to help me that was: “adept in business, but not solely a business coach, understood therapy, but definitely not a therapist, and someone who was spiritually aware, but not some spiritual type leader…” I wanted tools and and strategies to improve my life in those very general areas.
For me, Lorin has been a wonderful blend of all three of those things. Far beyond what I had hoped for in a relative short amount of time: I have improved in my business approach and outlook, improved my overall mindset and confidence and have generally “calmed down” by developing more focus and intention. And, we are just getting started!
Most importantly, Lorin helped me realize that I really wanted to develop immediately to be a better dad. I am a single dad, have an hourly intensive profession and four teenage and college age kids. I love them so dearly and that was wonderful to explore each of them on their own. Lorin has helped me ton to be more intentionally, present and meaningful with each of one of them.
I have benefitted in many ways with Lorin… but in identifying ways to improve me as a dad, for that, I am eternally grateful. And so are they.”
— Ben Paul, Commercial Broker
"I bought an existing Veterinary Practice at the start of 2021. A year prior to that I hired Lorin to help me prepare for the transition. A big need for me was finding my intention, which Lorin helped me do. Together we have worked on my intention of making the practice a “Joyful place to Work.”This has been during the COVID pandemic, which has been a very stressful and trying time for our industry. Recently, I attended a local workshop for practice managers and owners where we were talking to our colleagues about issues we are struggling with including lean staff issues with high turnover rate, burnout in the field, challenging cultures, a very stressful workplace, etc. The conversations reinforced how beneficial it has been to have been focusing on consciously creating our culture with a business coach. It has been immensely helpful to have consistent coaching, check ins and redirection to continue to come back to my goals and intentions. Our regular meetings have given me action driven changes and ideas that I have been able to immediately implement in an effort to shift the culture over the last year. What I realized is that while we are still dealing with our continuum of struggles, we are ahead of the curve based on what is happening in our industry. Feeling relieved and grateful!”
— Dr. G., Owner of a Veterinary practice in SoCal
“Our initial goal of implementing coaching as an employee benefit was to be better at communicating as a team and respecting each other more has, in my opinion, really worked. Team leaders are working much better together with minimal conflict. A couple months ago I don't think I would have been comfortable or had the confidence to really challenge them and I think our team morale would have eroded. I was so happy to see the way they responded, a vast improvement, and it fits our values. Each team member is rising to the challenge and accepting their new way of working from the coaching they are receiving. Win all around. Communication among leaders is much better. Direct conversations that needed to happen are happening. So much improvement across the board.”
— Anonymos Small Business Owner
"Lorin, you and your business and beautiful Nancy have been a huge influence in shaping me and in my life and in that of others- like a wave that keeps generating power to power passing on - truly “deep calling to deep."
— Emily Knudson, Florida Realtor
"I never really understood what a life coach is and thought it was a therapy of some kind. The biggest difference from what I know and a huge one at that is that a therapist goes into your past and gets you to understand what is going on with you today while a life coach, is someone who looks at you now and helps you get to your goals for the future. I have learned that sometimes my ego gets in the way of making the best decision to obtain my goals. My goal is to get back to my authentic self, a super star, and to walk with integrity, pride and happiness. I have learned to make wiser business decisions, feel and express emotion and learned that being vulnerable and honesty is a strength. Asking myself, who am I showing up as, what is my goal and getting back to authentic self is allowing me to feel “in flow” once again. Love my coach, Sherie!”
— Rodney Carr, Co-founder/Director of Softline Home Fashions, Inc.
“I’ve never been able to call self trust an attribute of my own. Now, slowly but surely, some amazing women have drawn it out of me. Thank you for everything! And Congratulations on your 20+ years of helping people and thank you for helping me on the journey to find my authentic self." 💖
— Sam Kernaghan, College Student.
"I had a terrific experience working with Lorin and made great progress where I wanted to - personal and professional growth. Lorin was able to guide me with thoughtful questions to elicit the real causes as to why I wasn’t operating at my full potential. We established a routine that has been very successful and for that I’m grateful."
— S.F. Financial Services Industry.
"From the moment I spoke to Lorin on the phone I knew she would be the right person to help me grow, as an entrepreneur, a woman, a leader. Each session we tackle real time, real life issues and she's always so good at helping me get to the root of the problem and seeking a proactive solution. We also work on how I want to grow and how I want to live my life and I love that Lorin looks at it all as a full circle experience, with family and well being feeding into wealth and success. She's about the whole person and the big picture with real results that have lead me to be aware and in sync with my purpose."
— Carole Carr, Owner of Carole Carr Design
"Working with such gifted coaches as Lorin, Nancy and now Sherie, has helped me find the courage to slowly strip away who I am not and find a way forward from the space of what is."
— Michelle Mulcahy, Sales and Marketing Manager
“As a coach, I walk the talk by having a coach of my own. The authenticity of our relationship is invaluable! With great kindness, Lorin can call me out when I am not being my best self and walks the path with me to get through anything that this crazy thing called life has to offer. I am immensely grateful.
Want to move your company to the next level? Coaching with Lorin Beller is the best investment in yourself you could ever make.”
— Pam Hassett, Owner Hassett Coaching + Consulting
“Lorin is much more than a business coach, she’s a true LIFE coach. She has helped me grow my business but, more importantly, she has challenged me to grow and bring out my best as a person."
— P.M. -Financial Services Industry
"I have been blessed to work with Lorin for more than fifteen years. We have traveled many journeys together. I have participated in one on one coaching, year long classes, graduate classes and a variety of challenges. I loved working with Nancy, God bless her soul, and Amy. They were inspirational. Gail was in my life when I so desperately needed her. I have grown in many ways through the years. Thank you, Lorin, my friend."
— Laura Spencer, Owner of Spencer Printing Concepts.
“I’ve done the year-long program twice now, and have seen the results of my first 10-year vision, and just wrote the next! Every day, I still use the tools of Vision, Intention, and Bold Action. My ability to think bigger and achieve higher with a focus on deeply meaningful goals is a direct result of the program. Lorin, the group leader, and Sherie, my coach, have taught me how to plan for and achieve the life and business I’ve always wanted. And through other group members, I have met an amazing and supportive network of women entrepreneurs unlike any other!
— Rebecca P. Cohen, Owner, Share My Journey
“Lorin + her yearlong program gave me the tools to start a multi-million dollar enterprise. I owned a very successful marketing and advertising firm, Ingenuity Group, and I spend a lot of money on things, and with the yearlong program, I get more out this than anything else. It is well worth the investment. I am more focused, tactical, communicate better and happier because of the yearlong program. I realized that I was ready to step into a business that was more near and dear to my heart. I launched a whole new company called: Ballywho Interactive, a Social Media Marketing Firm. Utilizing the tools I learned in the yearlong program. I am growing a company that is more fun for me as a leader. I have the skills I need to hire and retain the best staff. And since working with Lorin and her team I have grown my one-man band to a staff of five and revenue is up to the triple figures”.
— Elissa Nauful, Owner, Ballywho Interactive
“Dr. Susan Sikule owns a veterinary clinic and has for over 20+ years. She is successful and wanted to create a business that was less reliant on her. She realized that to do that she must have protocols in place and a team of workers who shared her vision. At the same time, she had a vision for creating a second practice and has achieved that vision. Lorin and her programs helped her visualize and formulate her vision and now is supporting her in creating her next vision and plan. She had a realization that, for her, bigger was not better. A smaller, quaint office that is wildly successful and was client-focused is her mission. She is living out her vision as a Change Maker now. Susan has learned how to work well with her team and enjoy both her free time and her more relaxed work time. Susan Sikule, Veterinarian, Guilderland, NY”
— Susan Sikule, Owner, Just Cats Veterinary Clinic
“Participating in Lorin’s yearlong program was a year of discovery. I gained clarity about myself and my business (Financial Advisor) that I would not have on my own. The uncertainty is behind me now, I have clarity. It is full steam ahead!”
— Diane Esser, Direction Financial Management, LLC
“At its peak, my business was a 10 Million dollar firm. I have a Fortune 500 client base. Although my company has grown and our capabilities have grown, my style of management and leadership had not changed much over the years. Enter Lorin Beller!!!! And who says you can’t teach – An old dog new tricks? Lorin’s yearlong program encouraged me to fully explore my current style of management and aggressively consider where changes could be made and growth could be accommodated. I have changed from being a den mother to my team to a much more impactful leader. I have cut the apron strings and allowed them more latitude and more freedom to create, explore, and be responsible for their decisions. Though the strength of an empowered team of employees may have been expected, the side effect has been a real surprise as this release from micro managing has provided a personal freedom I thought beyond possibility! And now I am launching my next new business!”
— Lynn Griffith, Owner, Welcome Events.
“I completed Lorin’s yearlong program in 2005 and one of the lessons I learned was that sometimes you don’t fully understand or appreciate an experience until some time has passed. Recently I wrote to Lorin and summarized what had happened in my professional and personal life over the past year and a half. When I sat back and looked at the words, I was stunned at how much of what I had written in my Vision statement had in fact occurred. I had actually done many of the things I had only dreamed of including appearing on two national television shows to promote my books and as a parenting expert and producing a 15 part parenting series for cable and web broadcasts by forming a powerful alliance. I had enjoyed the yearlong experience and I had loved the group phone sessions with other business owners. It provided me with a group of people in the same boat. I received great feedback from these talented and motivated individuals. It helped me to not feel so alone. And my one on one sessions with Lorin were always a time to talk about the troubling issues in my business, the things that were holding me back.
— Mary Ann LoFrumento, MD, FAAP, Simply Parenting / Medical Doctor
“As female business owners we’re so often giving the advice, teaching and supporting our clients. I was giving all of my best work away (and not charging enough!) and spending zero time on my own goals. I was running a marketing company but spending zero time marketing myself. Lorin not only gave me permission to focus on my business, she made it my top responsibility, gave me tools to work though the challenges, and kept me accountable. This is not “cheer you on from the sidelines” coaching, this is “running along beside you keeping you going in the rain” kind of coaching. The impact it’s had on my business (and my life) is priceless
— Jenny Magic, Owner
“I made my revenue goals for the year! My goal since I began my company was to make more money than I made at my last job (which I lost 2 years ago) and I’m about $100 over the top of that. Very exciting! I got my first 5-figure project last month, and that’s what put me over the top, thanks to the Intention Wheel!”
— Jill Addison, Owner
“When I joined the year long program, I felt like a fish out of water. I was rebounding from the death of both parents, and going back to my marketing and public relations business just wasn’t in the cards. It was time for a change, and I wanted the support of a strong leader and program as I navigated a new path. I decided to take the leap, and here’s what I discovered: The program includes amazing coaches, resources, learning, support, inspiration, motivation and like-minded, high-achieving women business owners who want more success in business and life. “Lorin Beller, has created an awe-inspiring program that delivers. Her big picture perspective, strong mentoring skills and ability to inspire bold action were just what I needed to reposition my business to one in total alignment with my passions, skills and life experiences. The structure of the program ensures clarity and focus. My favorite take-away? Writing my 10-year vision then aligning all of my action around it.
— Leslie Hamp, Owner
“I wanted to let you know that since I have started the program/met you/etc…I really like all the happy/positive and productive thoughts that now populate my head. I am feeling so capable and strong in my business, more than I EVER have before.”
— Andrea Maida, Pilates Andrea
“After dealing with several life changing events (divorce, loss of key people in my life), I felt very lost. I felt as though I didn’t belong anywhere and I knew I needed to create my life, on my own for the first time! It all started with an invitation to a woman’s weekend retreat with Lorin. I attended the first day believing, in every ounce of my being, I didn’t belong. The weekend was truly transformational. I discovered confidence and courage that had always escaped me. I was part of a group of women who were supportive, non-judgmental and have become my soul sisters. I learned my past is just my story and I can create the life I want to live. With monthly calls as a group and with my personal coach, I gain more strength every day and remain committed to living authentically and to live my best life possible. Last summer, one of my goals was to have a fulfilling, fun filled summer with friends and family. It was more than I could have imagined. I actually want some quiet time now just to regroup! I love that I wake up every morning (well most mornings!) with gratitude for what I have created and with anticipation as to what more I can create!”
— Ann Becker, Operations Manager
“Like so many of you out there, when I heard about the yearlong program with Lorin Beller & Co., I said, “I’m going to sign up for that….someday…..when I’m not so busy….when I have more money……when my business is more successful.” But I realized it was exactly because I didn’t have the time, money, or smoothly running business that I needed this course. It would have taken me years to get to where I am today if I had not participated in Lorin’s yearlong program.”
—Holly Buchanan, Buchanan Marketing LLC
“I met Lorin in 2004 at a Woman’s conference in Puerto Rico. That meeting changed my life. I was a Financial Advisor with a major firm and was successful but stalled.
She helped me get my career focused and I really took off. I was the top Women Advisor in Minnesota for the next 12 years. She also helped me immeasurably in my personal life.
I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro when I was sixty because of her input. I retired April 1st of 2017 at age 70 and she still is helping me with my next chapter in life. She has been a true professional and coach and has become a friend.”
— Barbara Bencini, Retired Top Financial Advisor, Barrons Winner numerous times
“Lorin, you have been my one of my biggest supporters in my life, our times together have taught me how to live life fully, love unconditionally & BE a Good Human BEing!! I’ve reflected on that so much and YOU made a huge difference in me that carried me through the hardest of times… you have made an impact on my life, I honestly can say like none other… our relationship has become that like a good yoga class; lingers on long after the final shivasana namaste. Your philosophy is with me always… I am truly grateful for our paths having crossed back so many years ago.”
— PJ Sparks, Massage Therapist, Owner, Hands 4 Health
“In 2004 I joined Lorin’s yearlong program, I loved that it gave me real tools that I could use to manage and plan my growth with a vision stretching out over 10 years. After the program I became one of Lorin’s private clients and we have had coaching sessions every month ever since. Since beginning with Lorin we have seen our business grow from four to over twelve million dollars annually and because of our continued coaching sessions I am alert and focused on our continued success”
— Joe Masciocco, Security Integrations”
“As an owner of an already successful company, the yearlong program has provided more ‘ah ha’ moments than I have ever experienced! I feel so inspired after each teleclass with my group. Not just inspired to ‘work or do’ but to also pause think and feel with confidence. The combination of teleclasses and personal coaching has me integrating the new content at a more personal level, the combination is helping me not just as an owner but in all aspects of my life.”
— Rebecca D’Amico, Nannies From The Heart, Austin, TX
I was a content ‘Wall St. Corp Exec’ until 9/11/01. After that tragic event I reflected on my life and realized that being content wasn’t good enough; I wanted to be happy, fulfilled, and to live every day with joy. I decided to pursue my childhood dream of owning a boutique. In Oct 2003, I opened the doors of Urban Details and began living fully. I participated in the year long program in 2004 and created a clear vision and plan of what I wanted out of my business and my life. During the program Lorin had stated to hold on to my goals but not too tight. I did accomplish my goals and Lorin was right, I didn’t hold it so tightly and it became what it was supposed to be. Today, I’m living fully, living in gratitude because I created my life and I’m living, loving and grateful every day!
— Kelly Lipfert, Owner
“Being a part of the yearlong program has allowed both my business and personal life to coexist with more balance. I have a vision of where I am going and a plan to get there. I utilize the tools every day. I expanded my network of friends and allies in business. I have found a new confidence in what I am capable of, a gratitude for the gifts I have and an immense appreciation for the people in my life. Just as important in all of that, I am making more money since being a part of the program, I am collaborating with other particpants on numerous projects and I won Small Business Person of the year from SBA 2010 for Central California! KleenSlate has grown 30% since my involvement with the program and we plan on hitting it out of the ball pack this year!!! Gratitude goes out to Lorin and all my Change Maker network! Julia Rhodes President & Founder: Kleen Slate Concepts Sonora, CA
— Julia Rhodes, Owner, Kleen Slate
“Dawn is the owner and one of the founders of DeNovo Research, a pharmaceutical research firm. She has a team of 6 people, her focus was keeping the business going rather than leading the team, by choice. She enrolled her entire team in the Yearlong program! Her goals are to create great leaders, implement corporate values, design a 10 year vision with her team and create the plan to make the vision real. She is also finding that it is assisting with communication among the team and those communication tools have become critical to the inner workings of this successful company. She is on her way to wild success as we speak.
— Dawn Fleck Owner: DeNovo Research