Lorin’s Published Books.
From Entrepreneur to Big Fish
My first book, published in 2005, From Entrepreneur to Big Fish. This book outlines 7 Principles to Wild Success. With examples of each from real (disguised) client stories.
SPLASH! How Women Entrepreneurs Dive into Success
I interviewed 20 wildly successful women about their success to get the inside scoop and shared all of their wisdom here!
Big Impact
A Goal Setting Guide to Building Your Extraordinary Life. In 2002, Lorin created our ‘famous’ Intention Wheel™. This book guides you through exactly how to use the Intention Wheel and also contains a blank Intention Wheel just for you!
The Guys Guide to Lots of Great Sex for Women.
After my high conflict divorce, rather than paying for a therapist for years, I decided to assess my relationship by writing. It was my outlet for seeing the patterns of what I no longer wanted in a relationship. It helped me find humor and clarity. Meant to bring lightness to our (partner) relationship with what I feel are simple yet powerful ways to make our relationship great.
This book is great if you are looking for an engagement or wedding gift to put in basket for that special couple. Or if you are just looking for some inspiration and tips to make your relationship better or be better prepared to do your part in making your next relationship awesome!