The Power of One
18+ years ago, I was pregnant with my daughter. It was my vision to have this baby ‘naturally’ - so I enrolled at the local birthing center and participated in the classes that they required. And the day before my due day, my water broke… so we did what was planned and got to the birthing center to deliver this little girl.
After 24 hours of walking, soaking in warm tubs, drinking caster oil, etc. And no baby, we were told we needed to drive the hospital they could no longer allow me to have the baby there, it was not safe any longer - that was their rule. I was not happy. This was not the plan. I didn’t know anyone at the hospital.
A 20 minute car ride away, we arrived at the hospital with a bit of fire left in me. The doc on site, looked me square in the eye and said: Ok Lorin, how are we having this baby? I said ‘naturally’ - he asked me what that means at this stage of the game. I said, what I did not want was a C-section. He said, great let’s do this. He gave me a heads up that in order to meet my requests he had a plan too… that was an epidural and Pitocin… he said if you dont want a C-section this is the way to do it. I obliged. And 6 hours later, my daughter was born.
The next day he came in to visit us. He looked at me square in the eye again and said: ‘You are one determined women.’ I asked why he said that - he went on to say: “I could tell by the look in your eyes, you believed you could deliver this baby the way you wanted to.’ He said, ‘You believed - so I believed in you too. We made a good team!’
When one person believes in us it makes all the difference. I believe you can accomplish what you believe you can accomplish. I believe that you have the power to change your life and love your life. I believe you can make wise choices for yourself. I believe you can do one thing at a time that will make your life better. I believe that you can create your own peace in your body, your mind and your life. I believe in you.