Wake Up!
Wake up! It’s Spring!
Wake Up!
What if life is about waking up?
Waking up to its meaning that only we can create for ourselves.
Asking what does that mean? And that?
What is it trying to teach me?
What can I learn from this conflict?
What can I learn from this relationship?
What can I learn from this joyful experience?
What can I learn from this coincidence?
What can I learn from nature today?
What can I learn from this random moment?
What can I learn from the political climate today?
What can I learn from this health challenge?
What can I learn from this pain?
What can I learn?
We have a choice, stay asleep all our lives.
Do the routine.
Keep up with the Jones’.
Do what is expected.
Follow the crowd.
Stay on the surface of the conversation.
Don’t listen to ourselves.
Don’t feel our feelings – shove them down.
Live out Loud!
Get out of the box.
Dare to break the mold.
Feel deeply. Go deep.
Make a mess. Clean it up.
Express boldly.
See the wonder in everything and everyone.
Don’t turn a blind eye to the hard things – be with it.
Eat breakfast for dinner.
Make your own standards.
Walk your own path.
Create your own journey.
And share your gifts generously.
Surprise yourself.
Listen well.
Look them deeply in the eyes.
Be your wild self.
The world will be better for it and so will you, because you choose to wake up. Every day.