What is SOULitude™?

DEF of SOULitude™:  (as defined by Lorin) Living and Working from our intentions, our hearts and our intuition.  This is not easy to do unless we consistently are striving to be more conscious, more open, more aware of our own growth and learning.  Being in SOULitude is a journey to self empowerment in all aspects of our lives.

What does it look like to live and work from SOULitude™?

It is about being thoughtful about how we want to be in a conversation. It is about being consistent about returning to our [annual] intentions. It is about being committed to our [annual] intentions even when our ego it triggered and we’d prefer to fall back into ‘old, more immature ways.’ Being in SOULitude™ is about living from our more wise selves consistently.

I was working with a client recently and a decision was made by someone else, that decision impacted her negatively in a big way. She was angry and hurt. She felt betrayed. And she knew what she wanted was to ‘act out’ and go back to ways she used to behave but she had ‘grown up’ so much in recent years - she was conscious of the fact that she felt like she wanted to go backwards to that old behavior. It took a few days and she refrained from the old behavior that really would have hurt her more than anyone else. The younger her, would have done something destructive. The wiser her, chose to feel it. But not take action and in a few days of being with the uncomfortable feelings, they moved on, like clouds moving through the sky and in a couple of days, she returned to her more wise self.

We all have triggers like this in our lives and it when we ‘grow up’ into more wise behaviors that serve us and our relationships that we begin to be more conscious and more in a SOULitude™ mindset.

Being in SOULitude™, is about more consistently being our wiser self. The ego becomes more in check. It is from this place that we can be much more intuitive. It is from this place that we live more from our hearts than our logical selves.

Our hearts, souls and intuition truly have more wisdom than our egos and our logical selves. And when we live from our more wise selves - and combine that with our hearts and our intuitions we begin to live in SOULitude™. There is magic here. It is where coincidences happen. It is where it seems that the universe is conspiring for us and with us.

Being in SOULitude to me, is that fine line between fully surrendering and completely owning it, owning yourself just the way you are. Designing life to work for you. It is letting go of the ego and its destructive needs, one decision at a time.

If you’d like be in SOULitude™ we offer a no strings sample coaching session for you to determine if coaching is for you. Use the Contact Us link to schedule.

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


The Power of One


Love: Part 2: A Sacred Walk