Good to see you, Hank.

I was at the beach the other day. I hadn’t been to that particular beach for a few months. There was an older (80+) man walking his dog. I remembered him from last time I was there. I did not engage in that moment. My friends sitting near me did start a conversation with him. He then asked a lot of friendly questions of them like “Where are you from?” and “Have you been here before?”. As the conversation was winding down, they introduced him to me by name, Hank.

I said, “I remember you from last time I was here. It’s good to see you again, Hank.” With out skipping a beat, he replied “It is good to be seen.”

Isn’t that what we all want? To be seen.

To me it is a gift I give to myself to see others. Truly see them. Because deep down, we all are so similar. We want to:

Share our Pain.

our Fears.

Our Love.

We want to Belong.

We want Safety.

We want to Connect.

I see you.

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


Good Bye Brock.


The Power of Gratitude.