“Go Home”
You know those things in life that happen when you think you are on the train to ‘Paradise” but then something happens like:
An illness/diagnosis
An accident
A break up in business
A break up in personal life/divorce
A death
A loved one living with dementia
Or even the death of a long time pet
No matter what it is, we feel derailed. We feel a loss. We feel discombobulated. We feel like what just happened?
Something happened to me many years ago that often reminds me what we need to do during these challenging times in life:
Many years ago, I was in my early 30’s I owned (with 2 partners) a tech company. We were buying other tech firms and merging them with ours. We purchased a company that owned a ‘beeper’ company, I know, I am dating myself and many people reading this won’t even know what a beeper is! It was a little device that was used for others to message people, long before smart phones. I had never had a beeper. So one of the sales guys (Scott was his name) from the new firm handed me one and said, “wear it, learn about it so you can market it.” Since I was VP of Marketing at the time, it was a good idea! So I did. Shortly after having it on, it started beeping. I was at my office. The screen on the beeper said: GO HOME. So I literally, got in my car and drove home. I looked around at home inside and out and everything looked fine. I called Scott and told him what happened asking him what it meant. He laughed out loud and probably is still telling this story to this day. He said: “Hit the home button Lorin.”
Sometimes, we need our inner selves to remind us to: GO HOME.
To go home to our own hearts. Our own lives. Our own dreams. Our own people. Our own inner thoughts. Our own vision. Our own plans. Our own love.
It is there that we find ourselves again. And it is there that we create our own inspiration. Our own love and excitement for life. No one can ever take that away from you or me. So when ever your train gets derailed from life, get yourself in the drivers seat and ‘Go Home.’ ❤️