Dance Baby!
One of my favorite things we do, is assist almost everyone we work with, to set a clear Intention for the New Year, every year. Some people, that we work with, have been doing this for over 20 years. It is NOT a New Years resolution. It is an intention, something that we are committed, fiercely committed to each year. I like to say that our annual intentions give us a North Star in how to BE all yearlong. Generally, the annual intention is something we want to practice and in doing so it becomes part of our lifes fabric. Over the years I have heard some AMAZING intentions such as:
Give Love to This.
Happy Feet.
Be the Peace.
Love Warrior.
Be Here Now.
Be Grace.
Mine this year is Dance Baby! In other words, whatever shows up, just Dance with It! Really Dance With It! Play. Be light. Make it FUN! Be light on my feet. Go with the music of what is. And this is the 3rd year I have been on this journey and each year I turn it up a bit more… I like how it serves me and want to continue to deepen it in my life.
Setting intentions puts us on a journey and what is fascinating is that it is such unique journey that is all ours. No two people will ever have the same journey, because you apply YOUR intention to YOUR life. And only your life. I wish, years ago, when I started this process, I journaled on the journey, because doing this year after year, helps me be the better version of me. And it continues to do that.
Practicing Dancing with what ever shows up in life, I am finding that less and less annoys me. I have WAY more peace in my life. I’m more nimble. Less irks me. I walk around with a carefree attitude about so much that I don’t and can’t control. I’m deeply happy. Life is more joy-filled.
Every year it is always fun to see where my Annual Intention takes me and those that I work with. Setting intentions year after year, has us ‘grow up’ and be our best selves consciously year after year. It has us be responsible for our lives, fully responsible.
When something comes up or I feel stuck, I know exactly how I want to handle it, my annual intention is ALWAYS my ‘go to’ - it informs my actions, and it informs my attitude.
It is the work of Change Makers to live (and work) with intention. Living with an intention changes YOUR world and THE world.
Want to check it out? Sherie or I would love to offer you a no strings, no charge annual intention setting session! Let’s Talk!
And to ensure we always have a reminder, all of our clients receive this ‘structure’ every year to help them remember to use it, practice it no matter what shows up.