At work, our culture can sometimes get awfully negative and it comes from getting used to complaining to one another. Let’s face it, complaining is easy. And when our work culture allows it - it brings the energy, the tone and the productivity level down drastically.

At home, same thing, it is easy to complain to each other. Become nags. Become broken records. And we often find that each family member end up in separate rooms - living under the same roof but alone not spending much family time together.

Both of the above scenarios can be changed! Start listening for the complaint. When you hear a complaint say the following:

“I hear your complaint. What is your request?”

A complaint is an unspoken request. And a request is NOT a demand.

A request is just that, a request but what it does is it shifts the focus from what is wrong to what needs/can to be changed. It has us take responsibility for the situation that we are bothered by.

We hear the request, really hear it! When we hear the request there are 3 choices in how to respond:

  1. Yes! I can do that! Great idea!

  2. No, I cannot do that. But I hear your challenge.

  3. I cannot do exactly what you are requesting but I can do _____________________. (negotiate the situation - looking for a win-win)

The next step is for both parties to follow through on the change of behavior. Stop the complaining and shift to the more positive actions.

What is fascinating about this WE are complainers, humans that is, in our own heads we complain at lot to ourselves if take time to notice, so we can do this for ourselves too. Raise our own level of consciousness and hear our own complaints in our heads. And ask ourselves: What is my request of myself?! This is a game changer for those that find themselves in a more negative state of mind.

This tool alone, if used consistently, will shift a work place culture, make a home more joy-filled and have our own energy be more light and happy.

Take charge of the culture at work. and at home and in your own head! Because you can!

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


The Power of Gratitude.


The Magic Circle