Congratulations Susan Farren!
Susan Farren: Owner and founder of 1st Responders Resiliency, Inc.
Congratulations Susan Farren! Susan just was acknowledged as Leader of the Year by the North Bay Business journal. (Link to the article here.)
As a 1st Responder, Susan knew the state of burn out that many First Responders face - after all, she was burnt out too! But she had a vision to change that! She knew that it did not have to be that way, if she could teach and remind first responders to put their figurative masks on first, they would be able to be more resilient. She set out with a detailed curriculum to do just that. Just 6 years later, she is busy training all over the country with her team.
If we all believed in our visions, like Susan did, we’d change the world! Susans journey has not always been easy, but she:
continues to invest in herself
walks her talk in self care
remains a learner
is humble
asks for help
is a leader
has boundries
does not forget to play (her kitten reminders too!)
trusts that the universe is on her side (always)
is kind-hearted
is in integrity with herself
is being 100% authentic on this journey
is serving and serving some more
is staying in her role and allowing her team mates to do their job
Those things create success! If you have a vision and want to bring it alive in the world, reach out, we’d love to hear what’s on your mind. In the meantime, let’s celebrate Susan Farren!🎉💕