Starfish Retreat Re-Cap

This was Starfish retreat #18! And It was like no other!

Chef Sherrie kicked us off with decadent and delicious appetizers on the patio in the San Diego sunshine. From there we shared our intentions for the weekend: re-charge, gain clarity, breathe and take space to relax, be and feel (because I always do in order to avoid those things!), Live fully with no regrets, Playful and joyfulness, and fill up!

Some of the highlights: The Self-Realization Medication Gardens - we saw this magnificent property overlooking the Pacific Ocean with silence and self reflection, beauty abounds as well as coy fish!

Then full massages for everyone by our friend, Rebecca Woolley who has been with us in the past to provide this pampering service for us.

Our very own Vicki Pilling taught us the art of mosaic rock dotting and Beth Guerrette led us thought a yoga/dance class to get us moving on Sunday between our deep insightful circle conversations.

Last but not least was a visit by Peter Fahrenkamp who led a discussion on what the masculine and feminine each need from relationships and as strong women - we got a better glimpse as to how our ‘in-chargeness’ might bleed over into our personal relationships and how that energy might get in the way if we are not conscious about it. Eye opening for all of us!

Some more insights from that conversation that seem relevant for others Women Leaders:

  • Being in charge often becomes a habit that we take into all aspects of our lives that makes us tired. Then we wonder why we are tired.

  • We often get into the mindset that we can do it all in all areas of our lives and it leaves little room for others to have our backs and support us and we wonder why we feel alone and unsupported.

  • What would it feel like to ask for help more often? What makes it so uncomfortable?

  • Why do we have the desire to do it all in all areas of our lives? Is that serving us?

  • And so much more…

    Always, in a Starfish retreat we leave with actions that will take us to the places that our intentions from the weekend revealed to us. Magic abounds! It is looking like Starfish 2025 is sold out! If you’d like to be on the waiting list, please email me! There are still spots in the new Sage Retreats in the Fall on East Coast.

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


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