One Choice.

Often, I think about where I am in this moment. It could be watching my daughter ride her horse. It could be driving to the beach. It might be watching a sunset. Maybe I am on the ocean, sailing. Or perhaps kayaking in the lake. Going for a bike ride in the SoCal breeze. It might be zooming with my family during our pandemic, but in that moment, I remind myself that I got here, this very moment based on every single choice I made all my life.

I believe that we have so much choice about who we are. How we are. What we do. How we do it. We All have an abundance of choice every single day.

What choices do you have in front of you today? Do you want more of the same in your life? Or are you wanting something different? If we want something different, our choices must be different. If we love where life is, realize, our choices got us here.

Then there are sucky situations. And we get to choose how we view them in our minds eye. We get to choose how we talk about them to others.

The tone in which we choose to speak to ourselves plays our internal music. What kind of music to do you play internally? What kind of music do you choose to play externally? What kind of music do you choose to play to others? It all matters and it is ALL changeable at any moment at any point in our life, at any age, by one choice!

Our choices matter. Everyone of them, choose wisely.

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


Life - after Death.