Bring Your Magic!

This is the year I work on fine tuning… this past year, I worked on using my voice even when I was frustrated or angry or confused in a way that I hope, I was heard, better. In a way that created more collaboration and what I learned is that some times, people dont care how kind we are, they really just want to either not hear what is on your mind or take things personally and might bow out of the conversation. I also learned that those committed to learning and growing together in life and in partnership, will stay in the conversation…. that to me, is the kind of relationships I want. Men and women, lovers and friends…. those that I can be messy with. Those I can make mistakes with. Speak my truth and we can walk through it together and those kinds of relationships help me bring my magic. But I want to bring my magic no matter what!

What does that mean? It is being my best self no matter what someone else is doing or saying… it means speaking up with magic, with humor and with soft power (last years intention). I dont expect this to always be easy. But I know that I like me, better when I bring my magic.

Bringing my magic means bringing my joy, my playfulness, my smile, my truth, my feelings, my faux pas, my tears, my frustrations, my anger and my love. It is all of me. It is all of you! I could not do this without last years intention: Soft Power (thanks to the US book by Terry Real).

Every intention we choose, becomes our own personal and professional journey. And it always takes us to an amazing path that only we can walk. No one else can walk the same series of intentions, because it is about our own growth. Setting intentions is powerful and magical work.

What is your intention this New Year? If you want support in choosing your intention please, use the contact us link and let’s talk! Happy New Year 2024!

Lorin Beller

Lorin is the founder of LorinBeller + Co.


7 Reasons to Set Intentions


Let’s Celebrate!